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(Supporting Careers and Cultivating Excellence, Engagement, and Diversity Grant)

Application Closed

The application portal has closed. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions in early April 2024. Questions? Contact

Program Overview

The SUCCEED (Supporting Careers and Cultivating Excellence, Engagement, and Diversity) Faculty Grants Program, facilitated by ADVANCE, funds a range of scholarly activities to meet the career-relevant needs of faculty members in the arts, humanities, and social sciences, striving to increase the retention and promotion of a diverse faculty community at U-M. In particular, we seek to support needs beyond those typically funded through traditional channels, and have a high impact on the career success of individual faculty members or diverse groups of faculty members. Funds of up to $10K may be requested, depending on the scope and needs of the proposal. Women and other members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.


Funds of up to $10,000 may be requested, depending on the scope and needs of the project.


U-M Ann Arbor faculty members with active appointments that are tenured, on the tenure track, or are actively transitioning to the tenure track (currently non-tenure track instructional faculty members, research faculty members, and clinical track faculty members) in the arts, humanities, and social science fields are invited to apply. Please contact if you have questions regarding eligibility.

Faculty members that are tenured or are on the tenure track in science and engineering disciplines will be redirected to apply to the Elizabeth Caroline Crosby Faculty Grants Program in the fall term.

Application Checklist

Applicant information

  • Primary affiliation
  • Rank
  • Time in rank
  • Contact information
  • Department financial administrator contact information
  • Abbreviated CV (file upload)

Proposal details

  • Project title
  • Funding request (dollar amount)
  • Overview of the resources required to complete the project and their relationship to increasing the career satisfaction, climate, and/or success of a diverse faculty in your field (max 500 words)
  • Goals for the project to be supported by the award funds (max 250 words)
  • Explanation of how the award funds will be used to further the project goal(s) (max 500 words)
  • Explanation of why/how the funds from this grant program will make a difference. Discuss the specific need for funding by the SUCCEED Faculty Grants Program, demonstrating the proposal’s unique needs that cannot be supported by other mechanisms (e.g., other grant funding, start-up funding, or unit/department funds) (max 500 words)
  • If the project includes collaborators, briefly describe their role(s) (max 250 words)
  • Optional: abbreviated CV (file upload) of project collaborator(s)


  • Provide a detailed budget, including a brief justification for each expense, and an explanation of how costs were estimated (download template)
    Disclose current and/or anticipated additional future funding sources for the proposed work
Review Process

All applications will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary panel of faculty members.

Applications will be evaluated on the quality and significance of the proposed work to be supported, the potential impact of the award on career development, and the degree to which the award will positively impact the career success of individual faculty members or diverse groups of faculty members.

The application portal has closed. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions in early April 2024. Questions? Contact

Funding Guidelines
  • Maximum funding per proposal is $10K
  • Partial funding requests will be considered, and all additional funding sources must be disclosed in the proposal budget
  • Successful proposals will outline the specific need for funding by the SUCCEED Faculty Grants Program, demonstrating the proposal’s unique needs that cannot be supported by other mechanisms (e.g., other grant funding, start-up funding, or department/college funds)
  • Funding cannot be used to support applicant or other tenure-track faculty member salaries or local childcare when the applicant is in town
  • Awarded funds must be used within 12 months of the award disbursement date
  • Priority will be given to projects that were not awarded an ADVANCE SUCCEED Faculty Grant in AY21-22 or AY22-23
Examples of Funding Requests
  • Graduate or undergraduate student research assistance
  • Editorial assistance
  • Travel to laboratories, field sites, collaborators, archives, museums, etc.
  • Support for child/dependent care and/or travel to allow applicant to travel for the purposes of research, teaching, or professional development
  • Supplies and equipment for scholarly activities
  • Development of a symposium/conference
  • Development of an online US or international network to support diverse faculty in particular subfields
  • Community engaged projects/public scholarship
  • Development of digital archives, databases, websites, and other electronic sources and media


Email the ADVANCE Grants Team at

SUCCEED Recipients

2024 SUCCEED Recipients

  • April Baker-Bell, Education
  • Megan Ewing, LSA, Germanic Languages & Literature
  • Jenna Gerdsen, Music, Theatre & Dance
  • Nancy Khalil, LSA, American Culture
  • Julia mcMorrough, Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Victor Mendoza, LSA, Women’s and Gender Studies
  • Andy Milne, Music, Theatre & Dance
  • Ava Purkiss, Women’s & Gender Studies
  • Camille Quinn, Social Work
  • Giulia Saltini Semerari, LSA, Anthropology
  • Michaelanne Thomas, Information
  • Sangseraima Ujeed, LSA, Asian Languages & Cultures
2022-23 SUCCEED Recipients

2023 SUCCEED winners. See list below

  • Su’ad Abdul Khabeer – LSA American Culture
  • Retika Adhikari – LSA American Culture
  • Umayyah Cable – LSA American Culture
  • Nachiket Chanchani – LSA History of Art
  • Luciana de Souza Leão – LSA Sociology
  • Sherina Feliciano-Santos – LSA Anthropology
  • Marc Hannaford – SMTD Music Theory
  • David Jackson – SMTD Winds & Percussion
  • Charles Lwanga – SMTD Musicology
  • Yasmin Moll – LSA Anthropology
  • Laura Motta – LSA Classical Studies
  • Sheila Murphy – LSA Film, Television & Media
  • Savithry Namboodiripad – LSA Linguistics
  • Alyssa Paredes – LSA Anthropology
  • Swapnil Rai – LSA Film, Television & Media
  • Seda Saluk – LSA Women’s & Gender Studies
  • Ying Xu – Education Educational Studies
2021-22 SUCCEED Recipients

  • Samer Ali – LSA, Middle East Studies
  • Adriene Beltz – LSA, Psychology
  • Fernanda Lima Cross – Social Work
  • Gabriela Cruz – Music, Theatre & Dance, Music
  • Jaclynn Hawkins – Social Work
  • Murad Idris – LSA,  Political Science
  • Raevin Jimenez – LSA, History
  • Charlotte Karem Albrecht – LSA, American Culture & Women’s and Gender Studies
  • Barbara Koremenos – LSA, Political Science
  • Heidi Kumao – Art & Design
  • Ashley Lacombe-Duncan – Social Work
  • Alaina Lemon – LSA, Anthropology
  • Victor Román Mendoza – LSA, Women’s and Gender Studies
  • Kelly Murdoch-Kitt – Art & Design
  • Cyrus Peñarroyo – Architecture and Urban Planning
  • Niloofar Sarlati – LSA, Comparative Literature
  • Natalie Tronson – LSA, Psychology
  • Mariah Zeisberg – LSA, Political Science
2020-21 SUCCEED Recipients
  • Charli Brissey, Music, Theater, and Dance
  • William Calvo-Quiros, American Culture, LSA
  • Amy Chavasse, Music, Theater, and Dance
  • Odessa Gonzalez Benson, Social Work
  • Nicholas Henriksen, Romance Languages & Literature, LSA
  • Holly Hughes, Art and Design
  • Annette Joseph-Gabriel, Romance Languages & Literature, LSA
  • Nancy Khalil, American Culture, LSA
  • Joy Knoblauch, TCAUP
  • Petra Kuppers, English, LSA
  • Christi Merrill, Comparative Literature, LSA
  • Susan Najita, English, LSA
  • Janet Richards, Middle East Studies, LSA
  • Magdalena Zabrowska, American Culture, LSA
2019-20 SUCCEED Recipients
  • Sophia Brueckner, Art and Design
  • Lorraine Gutierrez, Psychology, LSA
  • Carol Jacobsen, Art and Design
  • Ishani Maitra, Philosophy, LSA
  • Sarah Murray, Film, TV, Media and Digital Studies Institute, LSA
  • Sun Young Park, Art and Design
  • Megan Sapnar Ankerson, Communication and Media, LSA
2018-19 SUCCEED Recipients
  • Samer Ali, Middle East Studies, LSA
  • Naomi Andre, Women’s Studies, LSA
  • Sophia Brueckner, Art and Design
  • Edward Chang, Psychology, LSA
  • Clare Croft, Music, Theatre & Dance
  • Guarav Desai, English Language and Literature, LSA
  • Harley Etienne, Architecture; Ebbin Dotson, Public Health; William Calvo-Quirós, American Culture, LSA; Jose Casas, Music, Theatre & Dance; Myles Durkee, Psychology, LSA; Kevin Jones, Medical School; Jason Young, History, LSA
  • Bethany Hughes, American Culture, LSA
  • Shanna Kattari, Social Work; Ashley Lacombe-Duncan, Social Work
  • Inderjit Kaur, Music, Theatre & Dance
  • Joy Knoblauch, Architecture
  • Diana Louis, Women’s Studies, LSA
  • Massy Mutumba, Nursing
  • Mara Ostfeld, Political Science, LSA
  • Ana Sabau, Romance Languages and Literatures, LSA
  • Katie Schultz, Social Work; Sandra Momper, Social Work; Abigail Eiler, Social Work
  • Omar Sosa-Tzec, Art and Design
  • Camille Wilson, Education
  • Mariah Zeisberg, Political Science, LSA

Summer Writing Grant* Spotlight

My ADVANCE Summer Writing Grant* has been enormously helpful in bringing my first fiction book out into the world: Ice Bar (Spuyten Duyvil, 2018). I usually work on my creative writing alone, but the summer grant meant that I had the opportunity to take a summer course and work in an online workshop environment, responding to draft deadlines, and getting valuable feedback on my short stories from a group of peers. In addition to craft matters, I also learned a lot from observing the categories of success and assessment practices employed by my workshop fellows. These insights were particularly helpful to me as someone who writes on as well as about the edges of literary and speculative genre worlds. My pedagogical observations of the workshop environment did not only influence the development of my short story collection, but also informed the work I engage in around writing communities and the development of contemporary genre spaces. So, as a surprise bonus from the opportunity to engage in an ADVANCE-funded structured workshop environment for genre writers, I was able to use my insights to develop an article on Creative Writing, Horror, and Disability, forthcoming in the Routledge Companion to Literature and Disability.

Petra Kuppers headshotPetra Kuppers, Summer Writing Grant recipient 2016-17
English Language and Literature,
Women’s Studies,
Art, and Theater and Drama

Petra Kuppers Book: Ice Bar. The cover is a blue eye with figures beneath.

*The SUCCEED Grant is an adaptation and expansion of the former Summer Writing Grant (SWG) and Faculty Leadership in Professional Societies (FLiPS) Grant. Former accounts of SWG and FLiPS awardees demonstrate potential uses of the SUCCEED Grant, but endeavors are not limited to these examples

My two summer writing fellowships from ADVANCE enabled me to hire an excellent editor to format and proof-read my book’s chapter drafts. She was a wonderful first reader and interlocutor; I have been working with her on all my major publication projects ever since. One of the ADVANCE fellowships covered the cost of my son’s overnight camp, so I could focus on my writing completely for two uninterrupted weeks, during which I made the most progress on the core of the manuscript. In addition to enabling the completion of my book in a timely manner, ADVANCE boosted my self-confidence concerning my writing and research. It freed me to embrace my work and to honor my body’s needs for rest and parenting.

Magdalena Zaborowska headshotMagdalena Zaborowska, Summer Writing Grant recipient 2017-18
American Culture,
Afroamerican and African Studies

Zaborowska's book: Me and My House - James Baldwin's Last Decade in France. The cover has James Baldwin waving and a room in a house.

ADVANCE Program Address

University of Michigan
1214 S. University Avenue
2nd Floor, Suite C - Galleria Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2592

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Fax: 734.647.6112

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