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ADVANCE Faculty Fellows Program
2023-2024 Cycle

We are pleased to invite faculty interested in institutional transformation to consider partnering with the ADVANCE Program as a Faculty Fellow. We envision two possible approaches to the fellowship period:

  • The first is to use the dedicated time to engage with Data for Action, whereby faculty who have a professional interest in faculty recruitment, retention, climate, and/or leadership may spend time engaging deeply with our rich datasets to develop new ideas for advancing equity in these areas, or alternatively, serve as consultants to the Research and Evaluation team to develop new projects.
  • The second approach is focused on Institutional Engagement. Fellows with a focus on institutional engagement and impact who have scholarly expertise in emerging and/or complementary areas of need could collaborate with ADVANCE to develop new programming around a topic of mutual interest.

We strongly encourage interested faculty to contact us at as you develop your proposal for the fellowship period. We also expect that you will have discussed this application with your Chair or other appropriate unit leader as part of your submission.


Our expectation is that ADVANCE Faculty Fellows will spend the equivalent of one summer month or one course over the course of a semester working on fellowship activities. In order to take into account faculty circumstances and the needs of schools/colleges, compensation will be determined on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Fellow’s department/unit and will be commensurate with the time dedicated to the fellowship activities. We expect to fund 1-2 fellows in the academic year cycle.


U-M Ann Arbor Tenure-Track (including Tenured), Research, and Clinical Professors are eligible to apply

Deadline: CLOSED


Application Evaluation Criteria

Alignment with ADVANCE’s Mission and Goals:

  • To what extent does project align with the mission and priorities of ADVANCE?
  • Does the project expand or deepen ADVANCE’s range in some way (i.e., new type of work, new direction, new capabilities, etc.)?
  • Does the proposed work present an opportunity to move in a direction ADVANCE is interested in and feels is important?
  • How will the proposed work support ADVANCE’s capacities to advance DEI at U-M?

Scope of Work:

  • Is the proposed work feasible within the time period specified?
  • What staff support would be necessary for the fellow to successfully carry out the proposed work?
  • What is the potential for impact of the proposed work (e.g., at U-M, more broadly)?
  • Is the proposed work timely or does it address pressing issues/questions?

Capacity of the Fellow:

  • Does the applicant have the necessary expertise to do what is planned, in terms of either scholarly background (e.g., as evident in publications) or deep professional engagement (e.g., has been working on issue for sustained period in department/unit or through professional organization)?
  • What is the potential benefit of the fellowship to the career development of the applicant?

ADVANCE Welcomes New Faculty Fellow Yeşim Orhun

Yeşim Orhun, Associate Professor of Marketing in Ross School of Business and School of Information, will be exploring faculty service and teaching load distributions, asking whether workloads correlate with faculty retention, and identifying potential new programming.

Faculty Fellows 2022-2023 Spotlight

Understanding the role of racial code-switching    

Myles worked with the ADVANCE Research & Evaluation Team to understand the role of racial code-switching (e.g., adjusting one’s speech or behavior) among diverse college faculty.
Myles Durkee Headshot
“It has been a major benefit in the collaboration with ADVANCE that I’m really excited to, and excited to keep working with them. Even in my conversations with ADVANCE additional questions have come up that I didn’t even think about. So having those conversations with the expertise that’s already within the ADVANCE Program has been really helpful as well.”
Myles Durkee

Psychology, LSA

Building allyship toward a gender-inclusive campus community   

Nicholas worked with the Admin & Programming Team to develop resources and a workshop to address the topic of gender diversity and gender inclusion.            
Nicholas Henriksen headshot
“I garnered invaluable insights, the most notable being the indispensable role that faculty appreciation plays within the broader campus ecosystem. My project aimed to enable colleagues on campus to become proactive allies for our transgender and nonbinary community members. An additional essential insight I gained was the need to guide these dialogues with institutional data—such data functions as an important catalyst for instituting positive change within any organizational setting.”
Nicholas Henriksen

Romance Languages and Literatures & Linguistics, LSA

ADVANCE Program Address

University of Michigan
1214 S. University Avenue
2nd Floor, Suite C - Galleria Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2592

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Phone: 734.647.6115
Fax: 734.647.6112
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