

Family Medical Leave Act:

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) training tutorial is intended as a personal resource for university employees, and a job aid for employees whose job responsibilities include managing employee absences.

Modified duties for birth mothers and caregivers:

The purpose of this policy is to provide eligible faculty members with a period of time in which to adjust to the demands of parenting newly born or adopted children under the age of six.

Effects on Tenure Clock of Childbearing and Dependent Care Responsibilities:

The purpose of this policy is to grant an exclusion of one year for each event of childbirth from the countable years of service that constitute a tenure probationary period, up to a maximum of two years.

College of Engineering Specific:

Family friendly policies in the College of Engineering

LSA Specific:

Family friendly policies in the College of LSA

Medical School Specific:

Family friendly policies in the Medical School

Where can I find the University Policies and Resources?

Be sure to check with your particular school or college for information on unit-specific policies, norms, and resources that extend or enhance University-wide policies.

Child Care Resources

Childcare Gateway:

The University of Michigan Children’s Centers provide faculty, staff and students with the highest quality early education and care for their children.

KidsKare: Backup or Sick Child Care:

If your child is mildly ill or if your regular child care is unavailable on short notice, and you must be at work or on campus, Kids Kare at Home may be able to help.

Child Care and Professional Traveling Resources—Engineering:

The College of Engineering’s child care travel reimbursement policy provides tenured and tenure track faculty up to $1,000 per faculty member per fiscal year for approved travel expenses or in-home child care charges for children under the age of six.

Child Care and Professional Traveling Resources—LSA:

The College of LSA will provide financial support up to a maximum dollar amount of $1,000 per faculty member per fiscal year for approved travel expenses or in-home child care charges for children under the age of six.

For Programs/Practices That Would Aid in the Retention and Promotion of (Among Others) Women Scientists:

ADVANCE at the University of Michigan announces the Elizabeth C. Crosby Research Fund to help meet career-relevant needs of individual instructional, research, and clinical track faculty in science and engineering if meeting those needs will help increase the retention or promotion of women scientists and engineers. Dependent care requests are considered for these funds.

Summer Writing Grants:

The ADVANCE Faculty Summer Writing Grants Program provides faculty with appointments on the tenure track with a grant of up to $1500. Support may be requested for: editorial help, a writing coach, or costs associated with a writing group (including a writing retreat or writing boot camp).Dependent care requests are considered for these funds.

Dual-Career Resources

At the University:

Having long recognized dual career partner assistance as a crucial element in recruiting and retaining its excellent faculty, the University of Michigan has developed one of the strongest dual career programs in the country. The link below provides a general overview of the university’s dual career efforts, some of which are limited to the partners of tenure track and tenured faculty.

At the Medical School:

The Medical School welcomes the chance to work with partners of prospective faculty. We’re committed to meeting the needs and challenges faced by the many dual career couples in higher education.

Counseling for Faculty and Staff:

The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FASAP) provides support and assistance to University staff and faculty in resolving personal or work related concerns. Through a range of sensitive and innovative services, FASAP seeks to enhance the emotional health, well-being and job performance of members of the university community.

Other Work-Life Resources:

Policies, programs, services, and benefits for faculty at the University of Michigan.