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The Power of Positive Identities at Work: Implications for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice

Palmer Commons, Forum Hall 100 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI

The Power of Positive Identities at Work: Implications for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Laura Morgan Roberts, Ph.D. Professor of Practice, University of Virginia Darden School of Business The desire to cultivate and sustain positive identities (i.e., to see oneself and to be regarded by others in a favorable or desirable way) can bring out […]

Epistemic Exclusion: Scholarly Devaluation as a Barrier to Faculty Diversity


Epistemic exclusion refers to scholarly devaluation that occurs when scholarship is perceived as falling outside of the “center” of the field. Such scholarship is viewed as violating disciplinary norms about what characterizes scholarly “quality” and results in the work being deemed as illegitimate and lacking value. These disciplinary norms and academic values combine with identity-based […]

Words We Use


Sometimes referred to as ‘political correctness’, words that are at the center of public debate often reveal more about the social context of debate than about whether to use this word or that one. In this conversation we’ll explore why some words seem to command such power. In so doing, we’ll consider ways to think […]

ADVANCE@20 Symposium: Celebrating research, advocacy, and action for faculty equity

Thank you for your interest in the ADVANCE@20 Symposium on Friday, March 25, 2022. We are no longer accepting online registrations. For remote access to webinar broadcast, please visit (umich emails only): For in-person attendance, please register in-person on site, 1010 Weiser Hall. Limited to UM faculty, staff and students. We will be checking […]

ADVANCE Program Address

University of Michigan
1214 S. University Avenue
2nd Floor, Suite C - Galleria Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-2592

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