ADVANCE Faculty Summer Writing Grants
ADVANCE Faculty Summer Writing Grants
ADVANCE Faculty Summer Writing Grants provide faculty with appointments on the tenure track with grants of up to $1500. Support may be requested for: editorial help, a writing coach, or costs associated with a writing group (including a writing retreat or writing boot camp). Priority will be given to requests for book projects, requests made by junior faculty, and requests made by faculty who have not already received an ADVANCE Faculty Summer Writing Grant. All applications will be considered, though applicants in their first year must make a strong case for why the request cannot be covered by start-up research funds.
In addition, a dependent travel care supplement of up to $1500 may be requested, if the proposed writing project involves travel, and that travel creates dependent care expenses above and beyond normal dependent care expenses (e.g., overnight nanny, hotel babysitter, travel expenses for a care-provider to stay with the child).