Bart Bartlett is an Arthur F Thurnau Professor of Chemistry, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. He received his AB in Chemistry from Washington University in St. Louis, graduating summa cum laude. He earned his PhD in Inorganic Chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was a post-doctoral fellow at University of California, Berkeley. He served as the Associate Director for Science and Technology at the UM Energy Institute from January 2014 – December 2019. He is the recipient of many awards for his research and teaching including LSA Class of 1923 Memorial Teaching Award, the Seyhan N. Eğe Faculty Development Award and the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Excellence in Education Award. His research focuses on understanding chemistry-related basic science needed in the large-scale production of clean, efficient, renewable fuels. His research program addresses these problems in synthesizing compounds that will have immediate impact in fundamental science needs for energy conversion and storage: 1) semiconductor materials that are stable under extremely oxidizing environments under a wide-range of pH to generate solar-derived fuels; 2) high stability electrolytes for next-generation magnesium batteries. Beyond these energy implications, a unifying theme of this research is the synthesis of solid-state materials with well-defined, but easily-tuned structures and compositions that allow electrons or ions to flow within the solid.