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February 11

Cultivating Academic Belonging to Promote Student Mental Health and Well-Being

Data from a range of sources indicates that high numbers of college students are experiencing mental health challenges. In this session, instructors will view a video case study that prompts reflection on how a lack of academic belonging affects student mental health and well-being. They consider how structural and interpersonal issues exacerbate mental health challenges […]

February 12

Raising Respect: Taking Action to Improve Faculty Climate

Interested in taking action to improve faculty climate? The ADVANCE Program RISE Committee is offering a cross-disciplinary, interactive workshop for campus leaders and faculty interested in cultivating a unit climate where all people feel respected, supported, and valued. This workshop is evidence-based and action-oriented! Utilizing the Eight Levers approach RISE developed, participants will leave this workshop with both data […]

February 25

STRIDE Fall Term Virtual Office Hours

STRIDE Office Hours provide an opportunity for faculty and chairs of search committees to meet with 2-3 STRIDE Committee members during a 20 minute time slot to discuss hiring issues, advice or material from a STRIDE workshop. STRIDE Committee members are tenured faculty from across campus who have experience on search committees as well as extensive knowledge of the research on hiring diverse and […]

February 26

LSA Assistant Professor Promotion and Tenure Information Session with Dean Ceballo

(open to LSA faculty only) This session is for assistant and pre-tenure associate professors and offers an opportunity for informational exchange and candid dialogue regarding the tenure review process in the College. Host: Rosie Ceballo, Dean, College of Literature Sciences and Arts Panelists: LSA Divisional Associate Deans, LSA Executive Committee Members

March 10

STRIDE Fall Term Virtual Office Hours

STRIDE Office Hours provide an opportunity for faculty and chairs of search committees to meet with 2-3 STRIDE Committee members during a 20 minute time slot to discuss hiring issues, advice or material from a STRIDE workshop. STRIDE Committee members are tenured faculty from across campus who have experience on search committees as well as extensive knowledge of the research on hiring diverse and […]

March 13

NSF CAREER Proposals Workshop

This workshop is designed to introduce the requirements of the NSF CAREER proposals and to provide eligible assistant professors with suggestions for how to successfully apply. It will feature a presentation from an NSF program director, a panel of successful LSA CAREER recipients, and an introduction to support for Broader Impacts, including a presentation from […]