Retirement in Ann Arbor

ADVANCE sponsored a workshop on planning for retirement in Ann Arbor in January 2018, January 2019, and February 2020. This workshop focused on personal visions of retirement, the landscape of organizations and activities in Ann Arbor and beyond, volunteer opportunities, and one’s own learning and enjoyment in retirement. The agenda and materials from this workshop are below.

Volunteering in Ann Arbor

Washtenaw County Nonprofits: Finding the Right Volunteer Opportunities

Neel Hajra and Pam Smith discussed volunteer opportunities in Washtenaw County.

Washtenaw County Nonprofits

Participants learned more about how to volunteer with Washtenaw County nonprofit organizations.

Detroit Nonprofits

Participants learned more about how to volunteer in Detroit with nonprofit organizations.  This link identifies opportunities by various categories.

Civic Advisory Boards and Commissions

Participants learned how to become involved in civic matters, including local advisory boards and commissions.

Serving on Nonprofit Boards

Participants learned more about how to become involved with local nonprofit boards.

Volunteering at UM

Museum Introduction

Participants learned about volunteering at the U-M museums.

Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichols Arboretum

Participants learned about volunteering at the Botanical Gardens and the Arb.

 Mentoring Students in Research

Participants learned more about mentoring students in their research area.

Mentoring Students in Engineering

Participants learned more about mentoring students in the engineering field.

Michigan Medicine

Participants learned about volunteering with the U-M medical system.

Learning and Enjoyment

Learning and Enjoyment

Participants learned more about ways to enjoy retirement that were not academically related.


Participants learned more about ways to enjoy retirement through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. A description of OLLI can be found here.

Faculty Visions of Retirement

Faculty Visions of Retirement

Participants reviewed scenarios for visions of retirement.